Saturday, February 6, 2010

Port-au-Prince, Day 2

Rod Boatwright

We have been in Port au Prince for two days now and it is hard to take in all that we have seen, heard and smelled. Haiti was a tough place to live in before the earthquake and now it’s even more difficult. Yet the Haitian spirit is so strong. The people just keep moving. The tent cities are incredible. I took a walk through one yesterday afternoon. People working everywhere building shacks out of shipping crates, old used wood, cardboard, plastic and any other thing they could get their hands on. I have been at a church clinic for two days with a disaster relief medical team from South Carolina. There are two doctors, a pharmacist, four nurses and several logistic people who are very efficient. I took care of lining the people up, loving on them and sharing the gospel with them. At the same time the church was tearing off the roof and some of the walls that were damaged in the earthquake. In two days we have seen close to 300 patients and there were 14 people who have accepted Christ as their Savior. The two teams are great. They have chosen to be “fluid” and go with the flow. Donna and I have enjoyed being with them. I will be preaching in a church tomorrow. They meet outside because they do not have a building. The service will begin at 7:30 AM in order to beat the heat. I’m looking forward to it. I will preach from 2 Corinthians 1:3-10 on the subject “The God of All Comfort.” We will not be doing clinics tomorrow. In Haiti the Christians take Sunday very seriously. A Haitian pastor told me as soon as I got here that the Haitians believers and non-believers are convinced that the earthquake is the judgment of God on Haiti for their lack of faith in God. Voodoo priests are getting saved and many people are trusting in Jesus. If that is true then good things will come for Haiti as a result of the earthquake.


Mission Haiti Blogger said...

Wow Dad! Praise God. I'm praying for you this morning. I'm so proud of you and mom. God is using you in ways you don't even know. Knock em' dead with your sermon. I love you both!!


I am Bethany. said...

Go Dad!!

DaD said...

Rod the soul winning and changes of heart because of the earthquake are amazing. You all are an inspiration!